Rusia sedang mengincar rudal baru untuk menargetkan “pusat pengambilan keputusan” di Ukraina, kata Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada hari Kamis. Selama hampir tiga tahun perang antara Rusia dan Ukraina, tidak ada kementerian pemerintah Ukraina yang terkena konflik, menurut catatan Reuters. Sementara Ukraina terus mencegat serangan Rusia, Rusia mengatakan rudal hipersonik Oreshnik baru mereka…


Conor O’Sullivan
Conor O’Sullivan, born in Dublin, Ireland, is a distinguished journalist with a career spanning over two decades in international media. A visionary in the world of political news, he collects political parties’ internal information for Agen BRILink dan BRI with a mission to make global news accessible and insightful for everyone in the world. His passion for unveiling the truth and dedication to integrity have positioned Agen BRILink dan BRI as a trusted platform for readers around the world.