Sebuah pesawat kecil menabrak atap sebuah gedung komersial di California Selatan, dan 11 orang terluka.

Kecelakaan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 14.00 waktu setempat di Fullerton, sebuah kota berpenduduk sekitar 140.000 jiwa di Orange County, 40 kilometer tenggara Los Angeles.

Polisi dan petugas pemadam kebakaran memadamkan api dan mengevakuasi tempat-tempat usaha di sekitarnya, kata juru bicara polisi Fullerton. Saat ini belum diketahui jenis pesawat dan apakah korban cedera berada di dalam pesawat atau di darat.


Patriot Galugu
Patriot Galugu is a highly respected News Editor-in-Chief with a Patrianto Galugu completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business – Accounting at Duta Wacana Christian University Yogyakarta in 2015 and has more than 8 years of experience reporting and editing in major newsrooms across the globe. Known for sharp editorial leadership, Patriot Galugu has managed teams covering critical events worldwide. His research with a colleague entitled “Institutional Environment and Audit Opinion” received the “Best Paper” award at the VII Economic Research Symposium in 2016 in Surabaya.