Pada hari Rabu, sebagian wilayah Inggris menyaksikan hujan salju lebat. Gambar telah dirilis menunjukkan seekor rubah lucu sedang bermain di salju di Nottinghamshire. Salju setebal 12 cm dilaporkan terjadi di Nottinghamshire, sedangkan suhu terdingin sejak musim dingin lalu tercatat di Skotlandia utara, di mana suhu turun hingga minus 7,8C. Suhu akan turun hingga minus dua derajat Celcius di London dalam beberapa hari mendatang.


Alexander Rossi
Alexander Rossi is the Creator and Editor for Gadget & Teknologi with a degree in Information Technology from the University of California, Berkeley. With over 11 years of experience in technology journalism, Alexander has covered cutting-edge innovations, product reviews, and digital trends globally. He has contributed to top tech outlets, providing expert analysis on gadgets and tech developments. Currently at Agen BRILink dan BRI, Alexander leads content creation and editorial strategy, delivering comprehensive and engaging technology insights.