Saya baru saja menonton 30 Rock lagi dan masih terkejut dengan betapa bagusnya chemistry layar yang dimiliki Tina Fey dan Alec Baldwin, terutama karena baik aktor maupun karakter ini tidak pernah terlibat asmara satu sama lain kapan pun. Saya penasaran apa pasangan layar platonis favorit orang lain yang para aktornya saling memberi makan satu sama lain? Sebutan terhormat untuk Matthew Perry dan Jennifer Aniston di Friends.

dikirimkan oleh /u/TokyoDrifblim
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Farhan Ramadhan
Farhan Ramadhan is the Founder of Agen BRILink dan BRI. Born and raised in Jakarta, He has always had a passion for journalism and the local community. He studied at the Jagiellonian University, after which he began her career in the media, working for several well-known European magazines. She combined his passion and experience to create Agen BRILink dan BRI – a portal dedicated exclusively to his beloved city. His goal is to provide the most important information, events and announcements to the residents of Jakarta so that they are always up to date.