Sebuah organisasi nirlaba, Printrite Foundation for Sustainable Environment and Education telah meluncurkan inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan dari plastik sekali pakai. Inisiatif tersebut dinamakan Wadah Alternatif Plastik

Pos Yayasan untuk memerangi sampah plastik sekali pakai muncul pertama kali di Surat Kabar The Nation.


Wisye Ananda
Wisye Ananda Patma Ariani is a skilled World News Editor with a degree in International Relations from Completed bachelor degree from UNIKA Semarang and extensive experience reporting on global affairs. With over 10 years in journalism, Wisye has covered major international events across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Currently with Agen BRILink dan BRI, she is dedicated to delivering accurate, insightful news and leading a team committed to impactful, globally focused storytelling.