Menurut 007 Kiev, 8 tentara Rusia tewas akibat tembakan persahabatan Korea Utara di Kursk. Zelensky: “Dalam 7 hari Rusia menjatuhkan 630 bom.” Moskow mengatakan pihaknya telah menaklukkan dua desa lagi di Donetsk: Vesely Gai dan Pushkine.

Perang di Ukraina, apa yang perlu diketahui?

Berkas – Jalur perang

Berita langsung dari konflik Ukraina-Rusia


Patriot Galugu
Patriot Galugu is a highly respected News Editor-in-Chief with a Patrianto Galugu completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business – Accounting at Duta Wacana Christian University Yogyakarta in 2015 and has more than 8 years of experience reporting and editing in major newsrooms across the globe. Known for sharp editorial leadership, Patriot Galugu has managed teams covering critical events worldwide. His research with a colleague entitled “Institutional Environment and Audit Opinion” received the “Best Paper” award at the VII Economic Research Symposium in 2016 in Surabaya.